Hello there :)
I was a football player in the Syrian's women football national team and i played football in Dingolshausen team in Bamberg city in Bayern.
Unfortunality i moved to Kassel city a month ago , and i want to continue playing football in Kassel , can you help me finding a good football team for women?
And i also love to play chess as well so i would be very happy if there is a clup for chess in Kassel.
Thanx alot
asked Aug 11, 2016 in Activities by Fedaa30 | 1,134 views

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2 Answers

+3 votes
Hello Fedaa,

I found two football clubs in Kassel who have their own women's team.
The more professional seems to be Hessen Kassel.
I did not find anything about a members fee.

Contact for the women team is: ****://***.dasbesteausnordhessen.de/uebersicht.php?p=17&c=77

The mor fun oriented club with a women team is Dynamo Windrad.
Member fee for one year is 90€, but you can have 2 free trainings.
The training times you find here:


contact info for this club:

They have a statement against racism on their homepage.
Seems to me like a good sign, that refugees are welcome.

Best regards
answered Aug 12, 2016 by Danny
+2 votes
Hello Fedaa,

there are two chess-clubs in Kassel:


They meet every friday at 7pm at Bürgerhaus Helleböhn (Olof-Palme-Haus) Eugen-Richter-Straße 111. It looks like that you can just show up and get in contact with them.
If you want to contact them via e-mail first you can use this link: ****://***.ksk1876.de/kontakt.php


This club meets fridays at 7pm as well, but at Rolf-Lucas-Straße 22. It looks like they have their own women's team.
If you want to get in contact with them via e-mail you can use the following link: ****://***.caissa-kassel.de/kontakt/

I suggest that you visit both of them and decide which one you like best.

Best regards
answered Aug 12, 2016 by Thor
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