Sorry for the rather vague Title. I just don't know how to vocalize my thoughts regarding this issue. Sorry, but this will be a long post just to clarify everything.

I am a refugee with severe PTSD. After coming to Germany I was recognised as a refugee and more or less integrated. I had an Ausbildung opportunity within a year of coming.

After some personal setbacks, I kind of fell off the wagon. I could not continue my Ausbildung. 

Since then my life has taken a complete u-turn. I worked some online jobs here and there but not anything substantial. 

Most of the time I never had any jobs. Didn't communicate with any government organisation regarding my situation. 

For the last one and a half years, I have been mostly jobless. I did not take any government help. I kind of shut myself in my room. It is not like that I got addicted or anything! I am straightedge.

 I failed to pay for the insurance and rent. My landlord didn't check his account I guess and that is why I still have a room. 

My bank accounts got blocked a few months ago and my friends bought food for me on and off. Sometimes I go without food 2-3 days in a row. 

My situation is 100% my wrongdoing. And I don't know what to do. I may have a regular job very soon and it is making me think about giving my life another shot.

Is there any organization that can help me? I am not looking for financial helps. I am looking for an organization that can help me with legal issues my decisions can have on me. For example, maybe talking to a lawyer and job center. I fully intend to return every penny I owe to my Landlord or Credit Card company. 

Sorry for the prolonged message. I know I should have done something long long ago.

asked Jan 17 in Information & Offers by AG1987 | 502 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi @AG1987

Don’t worry about the length of your message or any vagueness. We get all kinds of questions here and are happy to answer them all as best we can. I’m sorry to read of your situation but glad that you wrote us and are open to getting some help with things.

In order to make your situation more stable, I would recommend at first applying for benefits (Bürgergeld) from the Jobcenter. It is best to do this by the end of the month as the benefits can only be backdated to the start of the month the application is made. The Jobcenter involves a lot of forms and paperwork but the main thing is to apply for now. You can get help with the forms if you need. Your local Jobcenter may have a service that help people with their application called something like ‘Erstantragstellung’. They may be able to provide a translator for this. Otherwise you can go to a migrant advice service in your area for help with this and more generally for any assistance you need. You can search for one in your area here:


The Jobcenter will also pay your health insurance from the time you apply. If you have built up unpaid health insurance contributions, it could be that your entitlements to healthcare are restricted to emergency treatment. If this is the case, you can still access regular healthcare via other services that are set up specifically for people without valid health insurance. As an example, the organisation Malteser provide health clinics in 18 different cities in Germany:


There are other such projects in other parts of the country.

As you mention PTSD, there are also special psychological support services (in addition to the services in the regular German health system) for refugees throughout the country. These are called PSZ (Psychosoziale Zentren), here is a list of them:


If your bank account is blocked due to debts, you can set up what’s called a P-Konto (Pfändungsschutzkonto) at your bank. Such an account allows you access to a certain amount of money each month which cannot be touched by anyone you owe money to. Here you can read more about it:


To help you manage any debts you have, you can go to a debtors advisory service (Schuldnerberatung). They can help you communicate to those you owe money to, come to an arrangement about the amount owed and how it is to be repaid. Here you can find one near you:


I recommend you first make contact with the services mentioned as they are free of charge and will have lots of experience in their particular areas. From what you have described, I do not see a need for you to consult with a lawyer at this point. If you do need legal advice, there is free legal advice (kostenlose Rechtsberatung) in many cities in Germany. There you can get an initial brief assessment of any legal questions you have. If you need a more detailed consultation or have a legal case, then it is possible to get free legal aid based on your income. This is called Beratungshilfe (legal advice) or Prozesskostenhilfe (legal representation in a case). You apply for it with your local Amtsgericht. Here is some information about them:



Please note some of the links are in English via online translation but most of the information should make sense. I hope the above helps a little to see how best to manage your situation. Don’t hesitate to ask further questions about these matters or anything else.



answered Jan 26 by mbeon-Éanna
Dear Eanna,

Thanks a lot for your kind reply. I will go through the resources you listed. I really appreciate
I got the job I was interviewed for. We will sign the contract next week. Could you recommend any organization that can help me with a social worker who can guide me through these processes? Thanks in advance.
Congratulations on the job! I think the best organisation to first contact would be the migrant advisory services (MBE). That's for example the job I do in Leipzig. Here you can search for the one nearest to you:


The MBE will usually have someone who speaks English and can assist you with the various matters you raised in your question.
Thanks for the info. I have contacted the one closest to my residence.
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