Hi, Im currently working as Suchi Koch as full time so I’m not taking any social money from Amt and living private house in Freiburg. And my Asylum application decision still pending. I need to know,

1.Can I ask Bildungsguteschein from Agentur für Arbeit?

2.Are they providing person who working?

3.What is the procedure and from where I can ask it.

Thank you,
asked Dec 26, 2023 in Education by Lovewithme | 495 views

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Hi @Lovewithme

Yes, you can make an appointment with your local Agentur für Arbeit and request a Bildungsgutschein. There are not specific cases where a person is entitled to one. The staff at the Agentur **** at each case individually and assess whether it makes sense for them to finance someone to do a particular course.

They will **** at factors such as the person’s prior qualifications and experience, whether they speak enough German to do the course, and how the job market is for people with the type of qualification you wish to do.

They can provide it for people who are working yes. However, it may be more difficult to convince them that you need the Bildungsgutschein when you are already working fulltime and are able to support yourself without state benefits. They will also want to know how you propose to complete the course when you are working fulltime. It is important that you approach the request for the Bildungsgutschein a bit like a job interview. You have to convince the staff member that it is worthwhile to finance you to do the course.

You can contact the Agentur für Arbeit in Freiburg and request an appointment. You can request an appointment online here:


They also have a specific project there called ‘Projekt Ich’ which is designed for people like you who are working and may be considering something new. They will advise you about the Bildungsgutschein but may also have information on other options available to you:




answered Jan 15 by mbeon-Éanna
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