
My brother got an EU Visa type D issued from Greece. If he finds a job (any job) in Germany, can he apply for a residence permit in Germany?

If yes, how long does it take and what are the required documents?


asked Jan 3, 2023 in Legal advice by Lv777 | 306 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Lv777,

He can apply for a residence permit for work at the German Embassy in Athens. The embassy website provides detailed information about it. Here is the list of documents required for the application (I could only find it in German, it's possible there's a version in Greek on the Greek version of the website):


Just any job will not be enough to receive a permit. It must be for a position requiring a qualification and he will be required to show proof of this qualification.



answered Jan 4, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
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