I'm arriving in Berlin as an asylum seeker, I do not know anyone there or I do not have necessary means to get accommodation; Where should I go as soon as I get to Berlin? I'm sick and very distressed, thank you for any information that you might be able to help me with.
asked Jul 7, 2022 in Information & Offers by Ivaniqbal98 | 450 views

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2 Answers

0 votes
Hello, we are very sorry to hear that!
Please go to the Welcome Centre. It is open from 3pm - 6pm. You will be helped there.
It is located at Potsdamer Straße 61
10785 Berlin-Mitte

Here is the website: https://***.berlin.de/willkommenszentrum/en/

To be able to help you, it would be helpful to know a bit more about you. Where are you coming from right now? Do you want to stay in Germany? What else do you need?
We are happy to help you.
With best regards
answered Jul 7, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
Hi there. Thank you so much for the swift reply. I'm coming as an asylum seeker, I was a student in Bangladesh who led multiple protests for road safety and LGBT rights, I was persecuted and tortured for years back home, I fled to Europe a few months ago and was detained by human traffickers, I need information on how to file for asylum in Berlin, hopefully I will be able to arrive tomorrow night, thank you
0 votes

Dear @Ivaniqbal98

thank you for sharing your situation with the Wefugees Community. If you want to seek asylum in Germany, you have to undergo a two-step registration process. First you register as an asylum seeker at the registration center of the State Office of Refugee Affairs (LAF) at Bundesallee 171, 10715 Berlin. The LAF is responsible for your accommodation and provision of social benefits throughout the asylum procedure. Then you apply for asylum at the Federal Agency für Migration and Refugees – Bundesamt for Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF). For more information in English how to file for asylum in Berlin, this website might be helpful: https://***.berlin.de/fluechtlinge/en/information-for-refugees/registration/ There are also several refugee counseling centers in Berlin you can contact for help. Here you can find an overview: https://fluechtlingsrat-berlin.de/wp-content/uploads/adrflueberatung.pdf 

I hope this helps and please get back to us with any further questions!

Kind regards,


answered Jul 12, 2022 by Julia_Wefugees
Thank you Julia
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