Greetings for all Wefugee's admins.
Im an Iranian 22 year old boy wanting to apply for Bank clerk Ausbildung. I've got couple of questions and I'll be glad if you could help me out.

1- Can Iranians work as bank clerks after finishing Ausbildung courses in Germany?or German banks only hire EU citizens?

2-Is it true that German embassy is hard on accepting to give visa for office jobs Ausbildungs? like bank clerks or business people...people say most of them get rejected because Germany requires Technical labor like carpenter, nurses and so on.
Thanks to Wefugee team.
asked Jan 6, 2022 in Work by hosein5152 | 410 views

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Dear @hosein5152,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

On your first question, I really don't think that a non-EU citizen could not work in a German bank after finishing the respective vocational training ("Ausbildung") in Germany.

Regarding the visa, I can unfortunately not share any experience or reliable information. But you are right, Germany is short of staff in certain industries and I assume that the visa procedure might be easier for applicants for these high-demand occupations. I will link my dear colleagues @mbeon-Christine and @mbeon-ruth here. Maybe they can add some more details and give an advice.

I also recommend you to check the "Make it in Germany" website, where you find more details on the requirements for the visa and the procedure in general.

In any case, please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jan 16, 2022 by Meike
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