Hello dear members of wefugees and team,

My first question is recently i got
 ameldebestätigung  in a camp where i am and what can I do with it? Can i open a bank account? I hold Aufenthaltgestatung currently.

Secondly: my asylum is in progress but right now I am in a very bad camp which is very far away from small cities, there is no Library inside camp or fitness club or any other activities people could do and very bad WLAN can't even study by myself.

I feel like I am wasting my life in this camp it has been 5 months already. Is there any way I could change my camp or any authority who could help me with ?
asked Nov 24, 2021 in Asylum proceedings by Jeddy | 520 views
Hello Jeddy , I can understand staying in the Camp can be very depressing and difficult at the same time. Myself having been in that situation can tell you I completely understand how you feel … and you’re not a alone , the good news is that it would be over soon … you just need a Little bit of Patience and your Transfer would come …

Have you thought of buying some books , that could help , or buying a note, to take down these trying times and you can always have sometime to **** back to …

Please don’t be in hurry to get the transfer - always try to keep it in mind that it could have always been worst but most importantly see the positivities in the present situation.

Im sending you all the love you need
Thank you for your kind words I try my best to engage myself in reading a book and take notes of everything. I hope I don't get to stay here more than six months, because I have knows people who got their transfers within six months .

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @Jeddy,

Good to hear from you again! However, I am sorry that you find yourself in such a difficult situation.

First the good message: As asylum seeker, you are also able to open a bank account - at least the so-called "Basiskonto". If a bank is refusing this service, you may file a complaint at the "Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)".

Unfortunately, I can not give you a very promising answer regarding the camp change. From my experience, requests to get transferred to another camp are only successful, if you can provide a very serious and exceptional reason, like family reunification, work (once you are allowed to work), studies etc. 

I can only agree with dear @Sanesam and hope that you will find your personal strategies helping you to be patient, resilient and to stand these challenging times. I wish you all the best!

In any case, please also don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.



answered Nov 25, 2021 by Meike
Dear Meike, thank you for your answer. I will tray to open a bank account with my papers hopefully they dont reject it. Is it possible to open two bank accounts though?
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