Can you get Germany passport without waiting for 8 years if you have residence through a Germany child,finished Ausbildung and independent
asked Jul 14, 2021 in Legal advice by Poji1234 | 995 views

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Dear @Poji1234,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and sorry for the rather late reply.

Under very specific and individual circumstances, you might be able to apply for the German citizenship even before that mentioned 8 years of holding a residence permit. If you finished a integration course, for instance, you can apply already after 7 years (as also written on this official website by the German government). Recognized refugees and stateless people can apply already after 6 years and the period of the pending asylum case can be "counted" as well (see this website). Privileged conditions may apply as spouse of a German citizen, too. I am not exactly sure about being a parent of a German child. In any case, I would recommend you to contact the local naturalization office (Einbürgerungsamt) - I am sure they can consult you regarding your individual situation.

I hope this helps and all the best,


answered Aug 18, 2021 by Meike
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