Hi admin,

I was giving a 6months residence permit section 25 (5). My question is will the auslenderbehörde Renew the aufenthaltserlaubnis for me when it expired?

Secondly, can I use the aufenthaltserlaubnis to go to my home country?

I will be looking forward to your response, thanks in anticipation
asked May 12, 2021 in Other Questions by Michelle04 | 2,357 views

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4 Answers

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Dear @Michelle04,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for sharing your questions with us.

I would agree with Great Man - you may get into complications if you travel to your home country while holding the residence permit according to section 25 (5) of the German Residence Act. We discussed a very similar question here. Please follow the link for more details.

Unfortunately, it is quite impossible to give you a reliable answer on your first question. Especially without knowing the reason which let the immigration office issue this kind of residence permit. If you are worried about your future stay in Germany and you want to discuss your situation individually, I can recommend you to contact a migration counselling office. Please let us know if you need support in finding a respective office in your region.

In any case, also don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered May 30, 2021 by Meike
I was granted the 6months aufenthaltserlaubnis para 25 abs 5 through my daughter, because my daughter is having the aufenthaltserlaubnis para 33
0 votes
Hi Michelle04,
This is a very tricky residence permit because it's issued to people that can not be returned back to their home countries for legal and factual reasons.
There are many things in those reasons which I can not list them all here.
Here are some of the reasons:
1) lack of passport
2) lack of direct flights connection to your country of origin
3) Illness and many more.
Sometimes when the Ausländerbehörde issued you  this residence permit they will tell you to bring your passport before they can renew it again, but the tricky thing here if you give them your passport maybe they will tell you that  there's nothing stopping you from going back to your country.
They can even ask you to volunteraly return back to your country.
I am not a legal minded person so I am saying those things based on my personal knowledge.

Thank you
answered May 12, 2021 by Great Man
I was granted the 6months aufenthaltserlaubnis 25 abs5 through my daughter,because my David having aufenthaltserlaubnis para 33
Hey bro if I may ask which country are you from
0 votes
Hi Michelle,
Please a short question for you.
Did the Ausländerbehörde renew your residence permit after the 6 months?
I'm asking you because my friend has just been issued the same residence permit in accordance with section 25 (5)  for 6 months.
If you did, can you please tell me the requirements for renewing the residence permit after the 6 months has expired.

Best regards
answered Jul 17, 2021 by Great Man
Hi great man
I’m a mum to a child who owns a residence permit paragraph 33, so I got the residence permit through my child. Have not renew my residence permit yet because I was just granted in May.
0 votes
Have you started working to secure your life and Take Care of your Daughter?
In Nidersachsen mostly they dont issue 25.5 unless you fully intergrated into Workforce.
If you maintain your Sorgerecht and Continue paying unterhält your Residence will be renewed
answered Jul 17, 2021 by Poji1234
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