Hello guys could someone help me with " who and how do i report my social workers to if Auslanderbehorde fails to sanction them" my case is that, until recently I bought a new microwave oven I'm using for this Ramadan. Just today when I was out to town, the social workers opened my room and made away with my new oven I bought. After confronting them, I was told I'm not allowed to use it and i must pay for a fine of 20 euro plus the item seized. But the problem now is almost everyone in the camp uses microwave. Well, even if it is forbidden, then they should have included it in the " Hausordnung" which is not there. I feel I'm being cheated , any advice or help will be much appreciated.  Thank you very much.
asked May 27, 2019 in Home & Living by hafiz123 | 474 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Dear Hafiz,

Thank you for returning to us again and really sorry to hear that you feel treated unfairly in your accommodation.

I experienced that food and cooking is a sensitive issue in common shelters like "Wohnheime" and camps. There is often that conflict between needs and wishes of people living there and staff/social workers, who are responsible to enforce the (in Germany sometimes very strict) safety regulations of authorities. Especially in Ramadan, when food and customs are even more important for people, situations are getting complicated.

I am afraid that the Ausländerbehörde will not feel responsible for those kind of issues.

However, many organisations and accommodation managing companies have implemented complaint mechanisms to deal with cases like yours. Maybe you find the opportunity to discuss your problems with specially trained staff, which could take an intermediary role.

If there is no such a complaint mechanism at your location, you might ask for an appointment with the team leader/supervisor of the concerned staff. In any case I would recommend you to communicate respectfully and objectively, in order to achieve a solution on this as soon as possible.

I wish you good luck and please feel free to reach out for us again!

All the best,

answered Jun 14, 2019 by Meike
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