hi .. i ask this question from my friend side . he is from afghanistan lives in german with a blue refugee passport . last year he go to pakistan and engaged with a afghani girl , now he wants to invite her to marriage . is it possible ? if yes what document he needed for this process ? thanks
asked Jan 13, 2019 in Legal advice by deepkahlon | 1,010 views

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Dear @deepkahlon,

Nice to hear from you again!

If your friend is a Blue passport holder, he has been granted an asylum or refugee status. That should also make it easier for him to get married in Germany, if his girlfriend is granted a visa.

First of all, the following Berlin service website explains the process of getting a visa for marriage and what documents they will need to present: https://***.berlin.de/labo/willkommen-in-berlin/einreise/visumsverfahren/artikel.600163.en.php

As the website states:

"Do you wish to get married or enter into a same-sex life partnership in Germany?

If so, the fiancé(e) living in Germany must first apply to a German registry office for a date on which to establish the marriage or life partnership.
The fiancé(e) living abroad will then apply to the German foreign mission (embassy or general consulate) for a national visa for the purpose of marriage..."

Second, have a **** at these threads from our platform for more information on the marriage process:

I'd like to learn more about the marriage procedure in Germany as a refugee 

How to get married in Germany as an asylum seeker? 

On the first thread, Thorgen posted a link to the Wefugees Blog article "How to Marry" in Germany, which can be very helpful for your friend to find out how it works/ what documents they will need.

I hope this helps for now. Please reach out to us again if you or your friend needs any further assistance! 

Kind regards,


answered Jan 18, 2019 by Isa
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