Hallo all, 2 days ago i asked about a center in bochum, and thanks to @thor for guiding me on it.. I went yesterday “Saturday” at 18:00 pm and i got my transfer to “München” and they brought us today at 24:00 to a place in Essen .. They told me ill stay for a week time and then be sent to München , although i was hoping for the NRW but my paper had something like “Ex NRW” .. They told me the court will be in München .. Can i know what are the next steps? Am i going to get medical tests there? Is this court going to be for the hearing ? I read mixed opinions about München, some wrote its hard for refugees and some said its a good place Your help will be appreciated Kind regards, Hatem
asked Jul 22, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Hattem | 2,080 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello @Hattem

Nice to hear from you again.

As an asylum seeker, you will be sent to a camp that could be anywhere in Germany after your first registration (that's the so-called "EASY system"). That's why it's totally normal that you have been sent from Bochum to Munich. That's also where your asylum procedure is going to take place. If you didn't get a medical check yet, it's most likely going to happen in the camp in Munich, as far as I know.

Concerning the last bit of your question, maybe this thread here on Wefugees is of interest for you:


Best regards,


answered Jul 24, 2018 by Thor
And maybe @WKZB2 can tell us what the exact procedure regarding the health check etc. is going to be.
Thank you as always Thor, i have done my medical health check today, but they told me the BAMF court will take place in München
I have checked the link  you shared and i saved it to get back to it later also .

Can i ask if its easy to find lawyers there ?
You can use search engines to find a lawyer that is specialised e.g. in asylum law. For example like this one where I already set the filters accordingly: https://***.anwalt.de/suche.php?methodList%5B0%5D=handleActionDeleteFilter&parameterList%5BfilterName%5D=profileLanguages&parameterList%5BfilterValue%5D=Arabisch&viewState=%7B"q":"","page":1,"type":"profile","randomSeed":983195,"isMapVisible":0,"oldQuery":"","sortTypeprofile":"random","sortDirectionprofile":"desc","queryModeprofile":"normal","filterListprofile":%5B%7B"filterName":"officeCity","filterValue":"M%5Cu00fcnchen"%7D,%7B"filterName":"practiceAreas","filterValue":"Ausl%5Cu00e4nderrecht%20%26%20Asylrecht"%7D,%7B"filterName":"profileLanguages","filterValue":"Englisch"%7D,%7B"filterName":"profileLanguages","filterValue":"Arabisch"%7D%5D,"sortTypeprofileProduct":"relevance","sortDirectionprofileProduct":"desc","queryModeprofileProduct":"normal","filterListprofileProduct":%5B%7B"filterName":"officeCity","filterValue":"M%5Cu00fcnchen"%7D,%7B"filterName":"practiceAreas","filterValue":"Ausl%5Cu00e4nderrecht%20%26%20Asylrecht"%7D%5D,"sortTyperating":"relevance","sortDirectionrating":"desc","queryModerating":"normal","filterListrating":%5B%7B"filterName":"officeCity","filterValue":"M%5Cu00fcnchen"%7D,%7B"filterName":"practiceAreas","filterValue":"Ausl%5Cu00e4nderrecht%20%26%20Asylrecht"%7D%5D,"sortTypearticle":"sortDate","sortDirectionarticle":"desc","queryModearticle":"normal","filterListarticle":%5B%7B"filterName":"officeCity","filterValue":"M%5Cu00fcnchen"%7D,%7B"filterName":"practiceAreas","filterValue":"Ausl%5Cu00e4nderrecht%20%26%20Asylrecht"%7D%5D,"aggregationVisibilityList":%7B"radius":false,"officeCity":false,"officeCityDistrict":false,"practiceAreas":false,"specialPracticeAreas":false,"officeCountry":false,"internationalLaws":false,"profileLanguages":true,"attributes":true%7D,"sortDirection":"desc","searchSource":"pageSeo","geoLocationprofile":"48.139126,11.580214","geoLocationprofileProduct":"48.139126,11.580214","geoLocationarticle":"48.139126,11.580214","geoLocationrating":"48.139126,11.580214"%7D&q=

But keep in mind that a lawyer has to be paid which can be quite expensive. It could be a better idea to go to a counselling center and ask for help there. Maybe they can give you legal advice or refer you somewhere else.
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