
I got married in Denmark with EU spause.now we want registration my marriage in germany.I have Italian asylum visa.my wife from poland so can we register our marriage there and what will be required??
asked Sep 10, 2017 in Legal advice by Jon | 14,375 views
Jon,  do you have Italian document ? Because I heard asylum seekers can't get married in Denmark.  Please send me your email so we can talk because I also have a polish lady that want to marry me but the system of marriage in Germany is difficult. .I need your email or number

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1 Answer

+3 votes
Hello @Jon

Welcome to our community!

The Department for Foreign Affairs (Auswärtiges Amt) states the following:

In order to register a marriage that was made in another country in Germany you need to provide your local registry office (Standesamt) the certificate of marriage. The office will then check for its authenticity. In addition they might ask for a so called "Apostille". This means that the Danish state gives you a document that attests that your certificate is valid.

There is agreements between Germany and other states that they don't have to issue such an "Apostille". Denmark is one of those states, but I don't know if certificates of marriage fall under the agreement or not. I would suggest to ask your local Standesamt about it.

Keep in mind that you will probably have to hand in a translation of the certificate that was done by a certified translator as well. If you submit a translation that was made abroad they might not accept it. Once again: it varies from office to office. The best way to find out how cases like that are handled in your Standesamt is by asking them in person :)

Source (German language): https://***.auswaertiges-amt.de/DE/Infoservice/FAQ/Eheschliessung/05-Welche%20Unterlagen%20-%20Ausl%20Heirat%20in%20D%20registrieren.html?nn=332718

I hope this answer was helpful to you. If not, feel free to ask further questions!

Best regards,
answered Sep 13, 2017 by Thor
Thank you very much for answer
Denmark marriage certificate is valid without apostille in all EU countries.
So this no problem my visa from italy and my wife polish and we married in Denmark .visa is not important if asylum or other kind of visa?and they will take my visa or not just **** and photocopy ?I don't want lost my asylum too.so this is possible I keep valid my asylum status too.
hello,there can you please tell me where you registered your marriage in denmark,because i am also looking place in EU to registered my marriage,in Germany its almost impossible,how ever i have all documents,suggest me please thanks
Jon, do you have Italian document ? Because I heard asylum seekers can't get married in Denmark. Please send me your email so we can talk because I also have a polish lady that want to marry me but the system of marriage in Germany is difficult. .I need your email or number
Hi Thorgen,

Thanks for your answer.

I have Denmark marriage certificate, but I need German certificate to take medical treatment in Germany. But currently my Husband resides in India. Will the germany registry office will provide the marriage certificate only by referring our Denmark certificate or whether they want my husband to present in registry office.

Kindly provide your inputs.

Hi Jon i would like to ask you a question please, i saw your post that you got Married in Denmark and you were making enquiries about How to register your Marriage in Germany. Please how did you finally registered it?
Where you able to register it without the Appostile?
I recently got married with my German partner in Denmark my Resident Permit was issued by Italy just like yours.
 Please can you help me out, i really need your help. I would be really glad if you can reply me
Best regards
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