hello again,
it is me again, i was woundering if it is possible to reuinion the Family in five months?  five months before you be an adult 18!
thank youn
asked Dec 13, 2016 in Legal advice by Johnny | 1,142 views
Hi Waseem, May I ask you to explain a bit better your question? Using your own words, could you let me know more so that I can link somebody with the right expertise to this question? You are currently in Germany and you want to get Family reunion with which part of your family? Are they also living in Germany? =)
Yes, actually my family is not here, and I want to reunion them! Could it be possible to do that in only five months! I'm 17 now, and I'm going to be 18 in May. Reunion from outside of Germany!
Thank you so much  @paolo for answering my question.
I see, perhaps @Marcel can help us out with this. I'm not super good with law but there is always somebody that finds the time to share his knowledge =)
Do you have already asylum granted ?

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1 Answer

+6 votes
Hi Johnny/Waseem,

it may be possible. You must be 17 when the German embassy and the Ausländerbehörde decide on the application for a visa. The date of the application is not relevant. There are possibilities to enforce a fast treatment by court applications in case you have the impression that your case is not handled fast on purpose.

But you should keep the following in mind:

- Only your parents are allowed to apply for a visa for family reunion. Sisters/brothers can only apply once your parents are in Germany with a residence permit.

- The visa/residence permit of your parents expires on the date you turn 18; they will have no automatic right to stay on further, they will need a different ground to apply for residence permit. (They may be granted a residence permit due to their status as parents only if they are too old and in need of care by you.) So it is questionable whether they can stay on.
answered Dec 14, 2016 by Marcel
Thanks everyone :)
one more question, please!
how can i make an application? do i have to apply or my Family home?

Hi Johnny, <br></br> your family has to apply in a German embassy for visa. This is only possible as long as you are under 18 and have a higher status than just subsidiary protection. Please see the steps for family reunification for minors  ****://***.landkreis-zwickau.de/uploads/formulare/englisch_4591.pdf <br>and this article about hardened family reunification for minors with subsidiary protection:</br> ****://***.tagesschau.de/inland/familiennachzug-131.html
hallo Marcel  

 Please assist on behalf of a friend. My friend is an asylum seeker and doesnt have dublin. She was married here in Germany but later divorce the husband before she got her documents. Is there a way for her to bring her son to Germany?. Her son is 8years old and is in Africa with the grandma. The grandma is saying she is tired of taking care of the child. Any suggestions on what documents required/ procedure to take. Thank you
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